
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: How do you deal with the difficult people and difficult circumstances in your life? Often, our attempt to control our world takes us in a sinful direction. This video illustrates how we can turn to God and His resources in the middle of problems and pain.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: Why are lies so easy to believe? We're in a battle and Satan knows that believing lies will erode our ability to trust Jesus. This video illustration exposes the battlefield of our mind and reveals the hope that God's truth and His wisdom can replace Satan's lies.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: Is there hope for our relationship? Can the brick wall between us ever come down? Watch Randy Murphy demonstrate how true forgiveness can take down a wall that was built brick by brick—bringing restoration, freedom, life and hope to a broken relationship.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: Why does it feel like there's a brick wall between us? Sin acts like a brick. When I sin I add a brick. When they sin they add a brick. Over time, a double-sided brick wall is built that deeply hinders relationship. In this video Randy Murphy demonstrates how that wall gets built.
VIEW PDF CHECKLIST: Confession is one of the most humbling journeys to engage—a path everyone could use some encouragement to walk down. Watch this video to learn practical "how-to's" for confessing sin as part of the relational reconciliation process.
VIEW PDF LIST: Asking good questions can help someone find the right words to describe the sin they need to confess. This video resource will help you learn how to ask good questions!
VIEW PDF LIST: Finding the right words to identify your sin against someone brings deeper freedom to your heart. This video resource will help you more clearly identify how you have offended others and equip you to seek more specific forgiveness!
VIEW PDF CHECKLIST: Do you know how well your life is reflecting Biblical love? This video illustration will help you learn how to invite God to evaluate your heart based on 1 Corinthians 13. Learning how to express biblical love is a gift that will invite grace and peace into every relationship in your life.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: Have you ever touched a flame? Experiencing emotional pain can feel like sticking your hand in a fire! Our gut instinct is to self-protect. However, utilizing God's resources to walk straight through the fire of emotional pain refines, purifies, heals and helps us become better image-bearers of Christ.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: So what really is grace? Forgiveness—which frees us from the condemnation and guilt of our sin—is often a hard concept to understand. If Satan can keep us focused on our sin we essentially live in bondage while the door to our "jail cell" remains open. Randy Murphy illustrates how this freeing truth works!
VIEW PDF CHECKLIST: Harboring anger and bitterness will eat you from the inside out! However, freedom through forgiveness is possible! Watch this video tutorial on how to use the Forgiveness Checklist to identify the specific offenses of others that with God's help you can forgive.
FORGIVENESS PROCESS CHART: FORGIVENESS STEPS CHART: Following the forgiveness process & steps outlined in this video will bring deeper levels of God's freedom and peace to the relationships in your life!
FORGIVENESS PROCESS CHART: FORGIVENESS STEPS CHART: Is your relationship with your spouse strained? Has trust been broken? Watch this video to learn how to forgive, reconcile and rebuild a pathway of trust.
VIEW PDF CARDS: What do you do when you get hurt—when someone does or says something that stings? It's easy to respond or react. Watch this illustration about how to apply God's truth to hurtful moments. The "1-2-3-4-5 Memory Outline" will help you "get a grip".
VIEW PDF CARDS: What do you do when you get hurt—when someone does or says something that stings? It's easy to respond or react. Watch this illustration about how to apply God's truth to hurtful moments. The "1-2-3-4-5 Memory Outline" will help you "get a grip".
VIEW PDF OUTLINE: VIEW PDF CHART: What do you do when you get hurt—when someone does or says something that stings? It's easy to respond or react. Watch this illustration about how to apply God's truth to hurtful moments. The "1-2-3-4-5 Memory Outline" will help you "get a grip".
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: The call to follow Christ is the call to a whole new kingdom. Too often we live for our kingdom and expect Jesus to join our kingdom and make it work on our terms. This video illustrates how Jesus challenges us to rethink our view of His Kingdom and the role we play in it!
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: Do my choices change God's plan? How does a sovereign God operate in the middle of man's sin? This video illustrates how God's infinite knowledge and man's choices align and connect in accordance with his perfectly orchestrated plan.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: What is God's will for your life? How many times have you asked that question? This video illustrates how God's predestined will (which includes our sin) and His directive will (God's commands) point in the same direction revealing His plan for our lives.
VIEW PDF LIST: Understanding God's character of mercy, grace and forgiveness fuels any act of true confession. Watch this video to learn how God's Word can strategically empower your prayers of confession.
VIEW PDF LIST: Have you ever wished you could take your words back? Everyone has at some point! Watch this video to learn how your words impact your life for better or worse ...and how to control your tongue with God's help!
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: What motivates your obedience? Perceived rewards, reputation, fear of consequences can all motivate action. What if love for God was the motivating factor behind obedience? Discover how "love motivated obedience" completely changes our paradigm of following Jesus.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: Sin happens. People hurt us. We hurt people. How can we maintain healthy relationships in the middle of a sinful world? This video illustrates how the biblical process of forgiveness, confession, seeking forgiveness and admonishment brings freedom in our relationships!
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: Have you ever questioned the adversity in your life? If so, that's a natural, human response to the sorrow and suffering adversity brings. What if there was another way? This video challenges our human thinking and reframes our response to adversity from a biblical perspective.
VIEW PDF CHART: Are you a poor listener or a good listener? Loving people is listening to them! Watch this video to learn how to exchange poor listening skills for good listening skills.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: Is your position with Christ secure? How does our sin affect our relationship with Jesus? As a believer, God is no longer our judge, but our Father. This video illustrates how our sin hinders fellowship with God even though our position with Him remains secure through faith in Jesus' work on the cross.
VIEW PDF CHART: When God regenerated you He gave you a new heart and a new Spirit, but you still have the same old hard-drive or memory. Learn how to "put off" those old patterns of thinking and "put on" renewed thoughts and attitudes that reflect your new heart and Spirit!
VIEW PDF CARD: VIEW PDF CHART: Is it really possible to change our thinking patterns? What we think affects what we do and how we feel. This video illustration equips parents to teach their children how to renew their minds with God's truth!
VIEW PDF CARD: Is it really possible to change our thinking patterns? What we think affects what we do and how we feel. This video illustrates how renewing our mind with God's truth is the key to transformation and walking down new pathways of thought and action.
VIEW PDF CARD: Is it really possible to change our thinking patterns? What we think affects what we do and how we feel. This video illustrates how renewing our mind with God's truth is the key to transformation and walking down new pathways of thought and action.
VIEW PDF OUTLINE: VIEW PDF CHART: Is it really possible to change our thinking patterns? What we think affects what we do and how we feel. This video illustrates how renewing our mind with God's truth is the key to transformation and walking down new pathways of thought and action.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: So why do I sin? Is there a root cause? If so, what is it? This video illustrates how discovering the root cause of sin addresses the heart of the issue. Discover how outward sins of disobedience ultimately flow from a heart that's doubting God and depending on self—unbelief and pride.
VIEW PDF DIAGRAM: VIEW "THE SHORT STORY FILM": Did you know you play a role in the greatest story ever written? Watch this video to learn what that role is and why you get a chance to play it!
VIEW PDF CHECKLIST: Ever been angry, blaming, bitter or withdrawing in a relationship? It's possible–even probable–that you need to forgive. Watch this video to learn how to identify the warning signs that unforgiveness is at the root of your relational conflict.