Brokenness is the gateway to a fuller life in the Spirit. It is a humbling and often painful experience, but the breaking is needed so that the Holy Spirit can begin to work within us to strengthen and empower us to go forward in faith. Join Randy Murphy of CTO Ministries, as he defines what brokenness looks like and describe how to grow in this needed yet usually avoided area of our character?
Brokenness is the gateway to a fuller life in the Spirit. It is a humbling and often painful experience, but the breaking is needed so that the Holy Spirit can begin to work within us to strengthen and empower us to go forward in faith. Join Randy Murphy of CTO Ministries, as he defines what brokenness looks like and describe how to grow in this needed yet usually avoided area of our character?
This three-part series addresses the question of "How Christian is Christian Counseling?". In this part Randy Murphy from CTO Ministries evaluates the basis of a number of counseling approaches.
This three-part series addresses the question of "How Christian is Christian Counseling?". In this part Dennie Patton, from CTO Ministries evaluates the history and basis of a number of counseling approaches.
This webinar will present the foundations necessary for counseling to be truly biblical. Randy Murphy and Dennie Patton, from Called to Obedience Ministries, will compare and contrast a biblical approach with a secular approach at a number of levels.
Observing people over many years of ministry has revealed similar pattern of dealing with difficult circumstances and difficult people. Your attempt to control one's world may dominate motivations, attitudes and behaviors. If the demand to control is present, it will greatly hinder your obedience to Christ. This discussion is an attempt to make you amore aware of these patterns and strategies and the need to surrender control of your life to God.
Every human being deals with anger. In a world of disappointments, imperfections, miseries, and sins, anger is a given. You get angry, I get angry. Those you counsel get angry. God intends us to understand anger and to know how anger problems can be resolved.
Join Dennie and her guests as they continue their discussion on facing debilating diseases, the dying process and the death of loved ones.
Many of your behaviors, attitudes and actions, whether obvious or not, are motivated by fear of losing control of your world at some level. What is the difference between biblical fear and sinful fear? How do I help others identify and overcome sinful fear in their lives? This webinar will give very practical steps in facing common fears.
Dennie,the founder of Called to Obedience Ministries, shares her journey through the death of her son, Peter and three years later the death of her husband, Howie.
Randy and Janet Murphy share their journey of identifying the control strategies that were destroying their marriage and the steps they had to take to begin dismantling them. There are attempts to control in every marriage - there is also a way to deal with them.
It is easy to give thanks when things are going well, that is, by your definition of "well". God deserves our gratefulness at all times in the midst of all circumstances. Why? Because He is God - a good God, a faithful God, a gracious God. He benefits from our grateful hearts because He is put on display. Join Dennie Patton, from CTO Ministries, and her guest, Isabel, as they discuss why is it so hard to be thankful and how to begin to develop a more grateful heart?
Carl and Judy Moellering share biblical principals for a healthy marriage and steps in discipling others toward stronger marriages.
The redefinition of the role of the wife in our culture has caused a mess. In this webinar Dennie Dowell Patton will look at the specific role and responsibilities of the wife with a focus on gaining a biblical understanding of submission.
God has given very specific roles and responsibilities for both husbands and wives. Our culture has attempted to redefine those roles. This webinar will look at the specific role and responsibilities of the husband as the “loving leader.”
Christ died for ALL our past, present and future sins – regardless of the nature or
degree of that sin. God’s grace is sufficient to cover any sin. Even though this is true many believers still struggle with guilt. The purpose of this webinar is to better equip you to help your disciple understand that confession is the humble response to our sin and is the path to freedom from guilt.
We will be sinned against by others and we will sin against others until we reach heaven—so we need a way to deal with both of these. God provides both the resources and a process to overcome and avoid bitterness and a path to practice biblical love. This webinar, lead by Randy Murphy from Called to Obedience Ministries, will focus on how to walk through this process of forgiveness with a specific focus on how to expand a forgiveness list and lead your disciple through forgiving.
God desires that our relationships are reconciled and restored. He takes reconciliation so seriously that he doesn’t want our worship or service until it is sought. This webinar will equip you to help your disciple establish a biblical understanding and approach to reconciling the key relationships in their lives.
How people change: what needs to change and what resources are available to change. Special focus will be given to the part you play in the change process with those whom you are discipling.
What is an idol and what do they look like today? How can you begin to identify them in your life and the life of those you are discipling? It is important to be able to identify your idols, wrong beliefs and goals and how you still try to use them to try to maintain your emotional stability. Join Randy Murphy from Called to Obedience Ministries for this important study.
Although Idols may not be visible in your life, they control much of your thinking and behavior. You must turn from these idols, that have often become counterfeit gods in your life and turn your heart back to the real God. In this webinar Randy Murphy, from Called to Obedience Ministries, will teach you how to use “the Wheel” to identify the idols in our lives.
If your identity is in something other than Christ, you will use it to accomplish your own ends or to serve your own purposes. For significant change to take place you must face these false identities and live with a true identity in Christ. How do you discover these false identities in yourself and those you are discipling? How can you begin to live with your true identity in Christ alone? Randy, Tom and Dennie, from Called to Obedience Ministries will teach you how to use “the Wheel” to identify the false identities in your lives.
When biblical roles are not lived out in a marriage, a role revisal may occur. When the happens the marriage can not function the way God intended. Even though changing roles may seem to work and even feel necessary for personal survival, the marriage will fall short of God's design. In this webinar, Tom and Dennie Patton will give practical ways to return to God's intended roles for both the husband and wife.
What is my responsibility as a discipler? How do I know if I am being effective? What if my disciple doesn't seem to be growing? What if my disciple "bails out"? This webinar is designed to encourage those of you who are currently discipling as well as those of you who may be ready to begin discipling for the first time. Since God has called all of us to make disciples (Matt 28:18), this topic is both foundational and crucial.
Until we are anchored in the sovereignty of God we will struggle to make sense out of the circumstances and difficult relationships of life. This aspect of the character of God is difficult to grasp and often meets with much opposition. This class will provide biblical support for God’s sovereignty and answer some of the common objections that you may face from those whom you are discipling.
In an attempt to control their world, people typically use one of two major strategies: controlling people in their lives or controlling the circumstances of their lives. This webinar will help you understand what control looks like, what motivates it and how to identify these control strategies.