Battle of the Mind
Part One: The Gospel and Our Relationship With Others, Renewing Your Mind, C 10-11
Classic: Renewing Your Mind, I-C pg. 7
Part One: The Gospel and Our Relationship With Others, Renewing Your Mind, C 10-11
Classic: Renewing Your Mind, I-C pg. 7
Part Three: The Gospel and Our Relationship With God, Intro: The God of the Gospel, Intro-15.
Part One: The Gospel and Our Relationships With Others, Preface, 9
Classic: Preface
4 Approaches to a problem – 2015 (PDF)
We all find ways to deal with the difficult people and difficult problems in our lives. Usually our attempt to control our world takes us in a sinful direction. Randy Muprhy, from Called to Obedience Ministries, shares the need to turn to God and His resources in the middle of problems and pain.
CTO Ministries
P.O. Box 10531
Glendale, Arizona 85318-0531
(602) 538-9362
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