Helping a Disciple with a Sexual Confession (for Discipler)
This study will help prepare you to walk your disciple through a sexual confession. This process is helpful for those that have been involved in sexual immorality at any level.
This study will help prepare you to walk your disciple through a sexual confession. This process is helpful for those that have been involved in sexual immorality at any level.
This checklist is designed to help a disciple prepare a specialized confession list related to sexual sin and immorality. See “Helping a Disciple with a Sexual Confession for details of walking through a sexual confess.
These are questions for the discipler to ask to help gather data to assist a disciple in his personal confession.
These are questions for the discipler to ask to help gather data to assist a disciple in forgiving an offender.
Check the characteristics which apply to your life.
Check the characteristics which apply to the person you are forgiving.
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(602) 538-9362
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