This study will help prepare you to walk your disciple through a sexual confession. This process is helpful for those that have been involved in sexual immorality at any level.
Primary Checklists
This checklist is designed to help a disciple prepare a specialized confession list related to sexual sin and immorality. See “Helping a Disciple with a Sexual Confession for details of walking through a sexual confess.
These are questions for the discipler to ask to help gather data to assist a disciple in his personal confession.
These are questions for the discipler to ask to help gather data to assist a disciple in forgiving an offender.
Check the characteristics which apply to your life.
Check the characteristics which apply to the person you are forgiving.
Additional Checkists
This checklist helps you evaluate how well you are loving others based on the description of love given in 1 Corinthians 13. It is included at the end of Book One: The Gospel and Our Relationship With Others, Expressing Biblical Love, H-10-12.
Are you a grateful person? This initial evaluation will point out key areas in which you need to be more grateful. This is an addendum to “Practicing Thanksgiving” from Part 3: The Gospel and Our Relationship With God as well as the study “Thanksgiving” from the Brokenness Study.
This quick look gives some initial evidences that you may be quenching the Spirit in your daily life. It is included with the study, “Walking in the Spirit With His Power”, included in Part 3: The Gospel and Our Relationship With God as well as in the Brokenness Manual.
This list is an initial “check” on how you are approaching your walk with God. It is part of “Walking With God on His Terms, which is included in Part 3: The Gospel and Our Relationship With God as well as in the Brokenness Manual.
There are both visible and less visible forms of anger. This checklist begins the process of exposing the many forms in which anger may be expressed.
This evaluation tool is included in “Releasing Fears” from DS3 Part Two: The Gospel and Our Relationship to the Fall. It describes ways fear manifests itself rather than a checklist of specific fears.
This evaluation tool is part of the “Leader’s Guide” for Study 1 in the Brokeneness Manual. It comes from Nancy Leigh Demoss’s book, Brokenness.
There are definite warning signs when you have not forgiven. This checklist helps you evaluate if any are present in your life.
Book One: The Gospel and Our Relationship With Others, Forgiving Others, B-8
This checklist is included in the “Understanding Pride and Rebellion”, from The DS3 series “Part Two: The Gospel and Our Relationship to the Fall“. It is a list of some of the ways pride can manifest itself in our lives and relationships.