Helping Controllers
This study is part of the Called to Disciple Series and is designed to give direction and suggestions in helping your disciple overcome the controlling patterns in their life. It is NOT included in “The Controllers” Study.
This study is part of the Called to Disciple Series and is designed to give direction and suggestions in helping your disciple overcome the controlling patterns in their life. It is NOT included in “The Controllers” Study.
This study, which is in “The Controllers” in both the Classic Manual and in Part Two of the DS3 Three-Part Series, introduces the concept of control in our lives.
DS3 Part 2 Study – The Controllers – 1 Understanding Controllers (PDF)
This chart describes the general similarities and differences between the Controller of Circumstance and the Controller of People. It is included at the end of “Understanding Controllers, which is part of the The Controllers in both the Classic Manual and the DS3 Three-Part Series.
DS3 Part Two – Controllers Contrast – Comparison Chart (PDF)
Marriage is under attack today. But more significantly, marriage as God designed it is misunderstood even within the Christian community. Marriage is not designed to make us happy, but to accomplish God’s purpose of putting Himself on display and making Himself known through this most intimate of relationships. This study will focus on God’s design for marriage and lay the foundation for the role of both husbands and wives.
In your modern world, idols can still be made of wood, silver and bronze, but they are rarely the
types of idols found among Christians.This lesson is designed to acquaint you with the topic of
idols and then to help you identify the “other gods” that you may be substituting for a
meaningful relationship with the one true God. This chapter is included in the study entitled “The Christian: Called to a True Identity in Christ.”
Brokenness is a group of lessons related to living a surrendered life dependent upon God. It is a humbling and often painful experience, but a broken and contrite heart is needed so that the Holy Spirit can begin to work within us to strengthen and empower us to go forward in faith! Previous involvement is not necessary to utilize this study.
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(602) 538-9362
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