
Disciple Feedback

Disciple Feedback

This short form gathers critical feedback that will empower your CTO team encourage and equip future disciple-makers! Thank you for investing a few minutes of your time.

Your name
Your name
Your gender
Your age
Name of the person who discipled you
Name of the person who discipled you
Did you complete the entire 3-Part Discipleship Series?
How effective has your discipling time been in relationship to your spiritual growth?
How helpful was your discipler?
Did your discipler refer you to any of the below CTO Ministries resources? (Check ALL that apply.)
Would you recommend your discipler to someone else?
Do you have a “story” of God’s grace and transformation (as a result of God's work through your CTO discipleship process) that you believe would be an encouragement to others?
Would it be okay if a member of our team contacted you by email to learn more about your transformation story?
Are you open to discipling someone?
Please share why you are not currently open to discipling someone else. (Check ALL that apply.)
What part of your CTO discipleship experience impacted you most deeply? (Check ALL that apply.)
How likely are you to recommend CTO Ministries to a friend?