Never give up on prayer (8:11)
Tim shares his story of years of praying for his estranged, absent father and God’s timely answer to his prayers.
Tim shares his story of years of praying for his estranged, absent father and God’s timely answer to his prayers.
Umar shares his incredible journey in becoming a follower of Christ.
The impact of sexual abuse is is huge. Follow Cathy’s attempt to cope with life through escaping into alcohol and the path God took her through to wholeness again.
Seeking forgiveness from a former spouse is a high calling with an incredible response.
Here is a great story of how God works when we take that first step of obedience… the names have been changed, but the story hasn’t!!!!
Umar passionately shares his marriage experience full of trying to be a controller of people until God transformed his marriage through the personal “life-to-life not head-to-head” discipleship training through CTO.
Jesse and Kelly courageously share their life’s story which includes a past full of drugs, alcohol, and strained relationships until God transformed their marriage and lives through their church, small groups, and the personal discipleship training found in CTO (God’s Call To Obedience).
What is my responsibility as a discipler? This study addresses that question as well as clearly demonstrating that it is God who causes growth in a disciple, not the discipler. Guidelines are given in how to fulfill this role as the discipler.
This study gives the biblical description of a disciple and looks at the examples of Jesus and Paul, who invested not just information but “their own selves” (1 Thess. 2:8). The conclusion is that the best relational context for change is found in a personal intimate discipling relationship.
CTO Ministries
P.O. Box 10531
Glendale, Arizona 85318-0531
(602) 538-9362
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