My Response to Adversity
We all face adversity at different times and at different levels of intensity. How I choose to respond to adversity will lead down a path of either becoming a victim of my circumstances or a recipient of God’s goodness.
We all face adversity at different times and at different levels of intensity. How I choose to respond to adversity will lead down a path of either becoming a victim of my circumstances or a recipient of God’s goodness.
Satan is on a mission to rob, kill and destroy. His strategy to accomplish this is quite simple: He wants you to (1) doubt God and (2) depend on yourself. This video describes this strategy and God’s solution.
“When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die.”
Dietrich Bonhoffer
“God’s love is perfect and unconditional, based totally upon the character of the Giver rather than you the receiver. Your performance does nothing to influence God’s love for you.”
“Where pride is the result of having too big a view of yourself, fear is the result of having too small of a view of God.”
Randy Murphy
You will be sinned against by others until the day they die – you need a way to deal with their sin.
Obeying God is an expression of your love and gratitude for your salvation and His many blessings, which He has freely bestowed on you.
Christina shares her experience with Called to Obedience and the changes that came as a result. She also shares how God is using those changes to impact her family and others through discipleship and Life Coaching.
Listen as he shares a very clear explanation of the gospel
CTO Ministries
P.O. Box 10531
Glendale, Arizona 85318-0531
(602) 538-9362
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